European Union food law lies on a set of rules that companies that invest in the EU must comply with. Food law thus reflects, with regard to its complexity and its concepts (such as the concept of “traceability”) the high health requirements of European consumers.
Hence, all companies that aim to put their products on the EU market have to comply with strict rules that are included, for example, in Regulation 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers, in Regulation 258/97 on novel foods or in Directive 2002/46 on food supplements. Along with environmental law, the precautionary principle underpins the EU food law framework. Consequently, companies must take this principle into account when developing their product, when putting it on the market or when recalling it from the market.
Finally, the rules on food safety are sometimes at a borderline between environmental law (see for example the rules on genetically modified organisms), agriculture law and pharmaceutical law.